【Duringの正しい使い方】日本人がよく間違えて使っている英語 ▶8:40・
【Duringの正しい使い方】日本人がよく間違えて使っている英語 ▶7:17・
during • while の違いと使い分けを覚えよう!〜の間って英語で言いたい時【英単語】 ▶9:46・
during • while の違いと使い分けを覚えよう!〜の間って英語で言いたい時【英単語】 ▶4:03・
【型の応用299】duringの使い方 5例文×10回=50回音読♪ ▶4:01・
【英単語】中学英語のおさらい!「期間」を示す「during」「while」「for」それぞれの使い方について ▶2:24・
【英単語】中学英語のおさらい!「期間」を示す「during」「while」「for」それぞれの使い方について ▶12:22・
1日1語 初心者 単語から始める英会話 ドラミちゃんねる N 2nd ▶14:52・
Difference between "WHILE" and "DURING" [ ForB English Lesson ] ▶1:07・
Difference between "WHILE" and "DURING" [ ForB English Lesson ] ▶2:32・
When to use during in English - a Mini English Lesson ▶15:47・
have doneが正解。whenの中で現在完了形を使うのはどんな場合? ▶1:45・
have doneが正解。whenの中で現在完了形を使うのはどんな場合? ▶1:15・
【中2 英語】 when の意味と使い方(~のとき) (15分) ▶5:57・
While vs During - English In A Minute ▶0:29・
During vs. When vs. While - English Grammar in 2 Minutes ▶1:02・
【中1 英語】 when の意味と使い方 (16分) ▶13:10・
While と during の違いは? 日本人女性講師による文法解説! 梅田 中崎町 茶屋町 北新地 駅近のマンツーマン英会話教室 ▶9:39・
While と during の違いは? 日本人女性講師による文法解説! 梅田 中崎町 茶屋町 北新地 駅近のマンツーマン英会話教室 ▶6:21・
英単語 during 発音と読み方 ▶9:57・
【高校 英語】 byとuntil、forとduring② (6分) ▶14:59・
How to Pronounce During ▶6:16・
How to Pronounce During (Correctly!) ▶15:28・
動詞の原形じゃないの?toの後にingが来るパターンとは?used toとbe used toなど重要表現の覚え方も紹介 ▶11:22・
動詞の原形じゃないの?toの後にingが来るパターンとは?used toとbe used toなど重要表現の覚え方も紹介 ▶12:04・
【意外と奥が深い】英語の現在進行形の様々な意味や使い方をわかりやすく解説![013改] ▶16:53・
【意外と奥が深い】英語の現在進行形の様々な意味や使い方をわかりやすく解説![013改] ▶17:14・
句動詞"turn around"の表現は日常会話で身につける!【ネイティブ視点の句動詞マスター】 ▶7:38・
句動詞"turn around"の表現は日常会話で身につける!【ネイティブ視点の句動詞マスター】 ▶5:41・
【日本語文法】イメージ図を使って解説!「間に / うちに / 最中に」の違い ▶7:21・
【日本語文法】イメージ図を使って解説!「間に / うちに / 最中に」の違い ▶3:38・
[やり直し中学英語㉛]分詞の形容詞用法-3番めのing[初心者向け] ▶5:14・
[やり直し中学英語㉛]分詞の形容詞用法-3番めのing[初心者向け] ▶13:56・
英語の since for 現在完了形と過去形の違い (時間を表す英語の前置詞③)[*128] ▶7:12・
英語の since for 現在完了形と過去形の違い (時間を表す英語の前置詞③)[*128] ▶18:02・
【英文法】12種類の時制、全部使い分けられますか?! ▶10:38・
「間」じゃないの?for, during, whileの違い【大串先生TOEIC英文法講義3-6】 ▶10:58・
「間」じゃないの?for, during, whileの違い【大串先生TOEIC英文法講義3-6】 ▶7:49・
受動態②とprivateの発音【基礎英文法講座第20講】 ▶4:39・
13 Types of Students During an Exam ▶15:03・
[英文の読み方]文の最初にingが出てきた時の対処法 ▶11:39・
【高校 英語】 when と while の違い① (8分) ▶16:27・
かんたん!過去形と過去進行形の違い 英語で過去の出来事を話す時 間違いやすい英文法 did you の発音(リダクション)when whileの使い方 [*216] ▶5:17・
かんたん!過去形と過去進行形の違い 英語で過去の出来事を話す時 間違いやすい英文法 did you の発音(リダクション)when whileの使い方 [*216] ▶12:45・
句動詞"run into"の表現は日常会話で身につける!【ネイティブ視点の句動詞マスター】 ▶5:52・
句動詞"run into"の表現は日常会話で身につける!【ネイティブ視点の句動詞マスター】 ▶0:55・
How to Protect Yourself During an Earthquake | Disasters ▶6:08・
Changes during Puberty - Part 1 | Reaching Adolescence | Don't Memorise ▶3:40・
Changes during Puberty - Part 1 | Reaching Adolescence | Don't Memorise ▶5:46・
苦手な人多すぎ!分詞(-ing, -ed)を徹底復習!-中学英語標準ドリル ▶3:42・
苦手な人多すぎ!分詞(-ing, -ed)を徹底復習!-中学英語標準ドリル ▶1:05・
英語のネイティブはこう使う!DidとHave 現在完了形と過去形の違い こんなときどう言うの【リスニングチャレンジ!】Chill Out 大人のフォニックス [*159] ▶5:05・
英語のネイティブはこう使う!DidとHave 現在完了形と過去形の違い こんなときどう言うの【リスニングチャレンジ!】Chill Out 大人のフォニックス [*159] ▶6:01・
In とOn 英語で『日付』を表現する際の使い分け方 <初心者の方が簡単に理解ができる使い分け方> ▶18:59・
In とOn 英語で『日付』を表現する際の使い分け方 <初心者の方が簡単に理解ができる使い分け方> ▶4:33・
excited?exciting?たった一つのポイントで見分けられる![感情を表す現在分詞と過去分詞(形容詞)] ▶7:07・
excited?exciting?たった一つのポイントで見分けられる![感情を表す現在分詞と過去分詞(形容詞)] ▶12:37・
【英文法】excitingとexcitedなど分詞形容詞の区別【ワンポイント解説】 ▶6:10・
【英文法】excitingとexcitedなど分詞形容詞の区別【ワンポイント解説】 ▶15:25・
【高校 英語】 when節の中の時制① (8分) ▶3:22・
Beyond the Story: American Women During World War II ▶6:14・
【中1 英語】 現在進行形(~ing)の使い方 (15分) ▶12:27・
Here's What People Ate To Survive During WWII ▶10:42・
[時と条件の副詞節と予定]時制は難しい…未来のことを現在形で表す2パターン ▶0:45・
[時と条件の副詞節と予定]時制は難しい…未来のことを現在形で表す2パターン ▶15:17・
ネイティブは現在完了進行形をこう使ってる!今自分が好きなものを英語で言おう!マイブームの言い方 時制のクイズ①大人のフォニックス [*202] ▶13:43・
ネイティブは現在完了進行形をこう使ってる!今自分が好きなものを英語で言おう!マイブームの言い方 時制のクイズ①大人のフォニックス [*202] ▶0:35・
このwhenの位置は正しい。この文に違和感を感じた方集合。-「その時」のwhen ▶4:24・
このwhenの位置は正しい。この文に違和感を感じた方集合。-「その時」のwhen ▶5:31・
Life During Wartime (Live) (2023 Remaster) ▶8:47・
Breathing Movements - Inspiration, Expiration, Mechanism of Breathing ▶2:06・
Breathing Movements - Inspiration, Expiration, Mechanism of Breathing ▶10:09・
Sex during Pregnancy : Is it safe or unsafe ? ▶7:48・
This Was Life for Japanese-Americans During WWII ▶17:16・
Talking Heads - Life During Wartime LIVE! ▶16:20・
Life During Wartime (2003 Remaster) ▶2:10・
While vs During: English In A Minute ▶0:59・
talking heads - life during wartime ▶10:02・
英語が本当に話せるようになりたい人は必見!ネイティブは did をここまで省略する! ⑤過去形(不規則活用)大人のフォニックス リダクション what'd where'd [*188] ▶1:08・
英語が本当に話せるようになりたい人は必見!ネイティブは did をここまで省略する! ⑤過去形(不規則活用)大人のフォニックス リダクション what'd where'd [*188] ▶3:31・
英語の前置詞⌚時を表すon in atがまるわかり!(日付・曜日・時間など) ▶2:55・
英語の前置詞⌚時を表すon in atがまるわかり!(日付・曜日・時間など) ▶9:54・
during と while の違い【英語のニュアンス図鑑 6-10】 ▶3:11・
英語 時間を表す前置詞① at on in 英会話でよく使う日時の言い方 [*126] ▶1:52・
英語 時間を表す前置詞① at on in 英会話でよく使う日時の言い方 [*126] ▶31:39・
10 min Workout on Period! Best Exercises During "That Time of the Month" to Help with PMS ▶23:17・
10 min Workout on Period! Best Exercises During "That Time of the Month" to Help with PMS ▶0:58・
[Have ~ed / Have been ~ing]の違いをネイティブ感覚を交えながら解説します ▶0:25・
[Have ~ed / Have been ~ing]の違いをネイティブ感覚を交えながら解説します ▶21:00・
Period Exercise [Workout To Do During Period] ▶0:56・
Talking Heads - Life During Wartime ▶0:57・
Managing Pain During Labor without Medication ▶4:11・
規則動詞の過去形"-ed"の発音は3パターン ▶1:00・
American Life at Home During World War II - The Town - 1945 - CharlieDeanArchives / Archival Footage ▶17:39・
American Life at Home During World War II - The Town - 1945 - CharlieDeanArchives / Archival Footage ▶1:10・
Ribcage Movement During Respiration ▶1:58・
【ネイティブ解説】5秒で瞬間英作文 | 起きてから寝るまでの日常会話フレーズ15選 ▶0:49・
【ネイティブ解説】5秒で瞬間英作文 | 起きてから寝るまでの日常会話フレーズ15選 ▶4:42・
時制(3)現在進行形(動作動詞と状態動詞の違いを通して) ▶0:40・
時制(3)現在進行形(動作動詞と状態動詞の違いを通して) ▶0:44・
How teachers expect us to exit a school during a fire ▶10:51・
動詞の原形と時制|発音から英文法シリーズ1(No.298) ▶0:44・
Lesson 32・「現在形」 と「現在進行形」 の使い分け【なりきり英語音読】 ▶17:06・
Lesson 32・「現在形」 と「現在進行形」 の使い分け【なりきり英語音読】 ▶4:20・
how to pronounce during ▶・
AikoHemingway 英語上級者のための英語発音コーチ ▶・
Kim Kardashian ROASTS Tom Brady During Netflix Special | E! News ▶・
Kim Kardashian ROASTS Tom Brady During Netflix Special | E! News ▶・
英文法を知って正しい英語を話そう!duringとwhileの明確な違い【ep.25】 ▶・
英文法を知って正しい英語を話そう!duringとwhileの明確な違い【ep.25】 ▶・
What Should Investing Look Like During Retirement? ▶・
Thunderstorm Music! Calm your Dog During Thunder and Lightning - Stop Dog Shaking, Crying, Barking. ▶・
Thunderstorm Music! Calm your Dog During Thunder and Lightning - Stop Dog Shaking, Crying, Barking. ▶・
Players Who Could Be Traded During the NFL Draft ▶・
Osage County sees damage during tornado emergency Monday night ▶・
Osage County sees damage during tornado emergency Monday night ▶・
"Good Try, Hercules" - Chinese sniper vs. American sniper during the Korean War *sniper ▶・
"Good Try, Hercules" - Chinese sniper vs. American sniper during the Korean War *sniper ▶・
Trump invokes Nazi rhetoric during Mar-a-Lago event ▶・
Man points gun at pastor during sermon in Pennsylvania | VIDEO ▶・
Man points gun at pastor during sermon in Pennsylvania | VIDEO ▶・
Arreglar Error during initialization; unhandled exception caught en Black Ops 2 ▶・
Arreglar Error during initialization; unhandled exception caught en Black Ops 2 ▶・
Another spooked Household Cavalry horse throws rider during military parade in London ▶・
Another spooked Household Cavalry horse throws rider during military parade in London ▶・
Biden pokes fun at his age and Trump during White House Correspondent’s Dinner (FULL SPEECH) ▶・
Biden pokes fun at his age and Trump during White House Correspondent’s Dinner (FULL SPEECH) ▶・
Cynthia Erivo experienced imposter syndrome during first Met Gala ▶・
Cynthia Erivo experienced imposter syndrome during first Met Gala ▶・
Sami Zayn incites brawl during “Big” Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable: Raw highlights, May 6, 2024 ▶・
Sami Zayn incites brawl during “Big” Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable: Raw highlights, May 6, 2024 ▶・
ED Recovers Huge Amount Of Money During Raids | Jharkhand | V6 Teenmaar ▶・
ED Recovers Huge Amount Of Money During Raids | Jharkhand | V6 Teenmaar ▶・
*107 What happened during winter ▶・
NI UCHUNGU! See What Happened During DP Gachagua's Visit to the Flooded Maai Mahiu, Nakuru! ▶・
NI UCHUNGU! See What Happened During DP Gachagua's Visit to the Flooded Maai Mahiu, Nakuru! ▶・
When people are loud during movies… 😑😡😂 *shorts *comedy *funny *movie *movies *youtubeshorts ▶・
When people are loud during movies… 😑😡😂 *shorts *comedy *funny *movie *movies *youtubeshorts ▶・
Man attempts to shoot pastor during sermon in Pennsylvania ▶・
Texas lawmakers react to arrests during pro-Palestinian protests at UT Austin ▶・
Texas lawmakers react to arrests during pro-Palestinian protests at UT Austin ▶・
Why You Need Time And Space During No Contact *nocontact *breakup *afterbreakup *nocontactrule ▶・
Why You Need Time And Space During No Contact *nocontact *breakup *afterbreakup *nocontactrule ▶・
Man points gun at pastor during sermon in Pennsylvania ▶・
Clarence Thomas Asks Jack Smith’s Lawyer If There’s No Presidential Immunity— Even For Official Acts ▶・
Clarence Thomas Asks Jack Smith’s Lawyer If There’s No Presidential Immunity— Even For Official Acts ▶・
【ネイティブが使う日常英会話】一時休戦 ▶・
Woman Calls 911 During Traffic Stop To Avoid Arrest ▶・
IDF soldier asked where 100,000 displaced in Rafah ‘are meant to go’ during Israeli offensive ▶・
IDF soldier asked where 100,000 displaced in Rafah ‘are meant to go’ during Israeli offensive ▶・
SUMMER OF SOUL | Official Trailer | In Theaters and on Hulu July 2 ▶・
SUMMER OF SOUL | Official Trailer | In Theaters and on Hulu July 2 ▶・
10 गलतियां ना करें प्रेगनेंसी में *pregnancy *1stmonth *pregnancypositive ▶・
10 गलतियां ना करें प्रेगनेंसी में *pregnancy *1stmonth *pregnancypositive ▶・
Surprising ways animals react to solar eclipses ▶・
President Abbas assures his willingness to negotiate with Israel and ensure their security ▶・
President Abbas assures his willingness to negotiate with Israel and ensure their security ▶・
Property near Douglas sees damage during Monday night's severe storms ▶・
Property near Douglas sees damage during Monday night's severe storms ▶・
David Pecker took the stand as the first witness. Here's a recap of what he said ▶・
David Pecker took the stand as the first witness. Here's a recap of what he said ▶・
Property near Douglas sees damage during Monday night's severe storms ▶・
Property near Douglas sees damage during Monday night's severe storms ▶・
Mandisa's Father Tells What Led To Her Death During Her Celebration of Life | April 27, 2024 ▶・
Mandisa's Father Tells What Led To Her Death During Her Celebration of Life | April 27, 2024 ▶・
यह 6 संकेत दिखे तो समझना डिलीवरी का समय आ गया है | Delivery pain symptoms My Pregnancy Care ▶・
यह 6 संकेत दिखे तो समझना डिलीवरी का समय आ गया है | Delivery pain symptoms My Pregnancy Care ▶ >>次へNext
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